Monday, November 30, 2009

Returning team registration comes to a close.

The 1st phase of the KWL 2009 offseason has come and gone; Returning Team Registration. Of the 14 teams that played in 2009, 12 teams are returning after the Wildebeest and Weasels have disbanded. Now that this deadline has come and gone, we can do some planning and prepare to open registration of the remaining slots to expansion teams.

We will be expanding the league to 16 teams this season, thus leaving us with 4 open slots. The team slots will be given on a first come basis to teams that have full rosters. Many potential new team members have RSVP’ed to the upcoming winter meetings in hopes of being first in line for the 2010 openings.

One thing is for sure, we should be full before the end of December!

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